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Student Scientific Associations

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Lodz Solar Team

We are the Champions of Europe in the field of electric cars engineering.

Lodz Solar Team is a student scientific association of Lodz University of Technology which was established to explore our common interests – motorization, ecology and electric vehicles. Our main interest is construction and modernization of electric cars, powered by solar energy. We already had finished two such projects and are currently working on our third car. Our goal is to construct a convenient, urban vehicle, that will meet all contemporary standards required for it to be approved for ever-day use. We also aim to increase the awareness about environment and sustainable methods of energy generation among the people of Poland. We would like to inspire our peers to act, show that despite all the obstacles we can achieve even seemingly impossible outcomes. Lodz Solar Team twice won the European Championships and claimed several awards, i.e. at the international tournaments in Belgium, RPA and Austria. The work in our project is divided amid five sections: mechanical, electronic, software, market and networking. The cooperation between all of them is the foundation of our success.



Our Social Media:

-> Facebook:

-> Instagram:

-> Twitter:

-> Official website:

Iron Warriors

„Iron Warriors” is a student project involved in building bolides to enter contests testing vehicles that can drive the longest on one liter of petrol: such as Shell Eco-Marathon, Educ Eco or Pisaralla Pisimmälle. The group was established in the late 2012. We debuted in Rotterdam’s Shell Eco-Marathon 2013, with our first vehicle Eco Arrow 1.0. In 2016 we had achieved the Polish record of “one drop of fuel drive,” in the category of petrol-powered prototype vehicles: 837 km/l. This record, achieved by Eco Arrow 2.0 was not contested to this day. In the November of 2016 we started work on Eco Arrow 3.0 and unveiled the complete vehicle 12th January 2018.

Iron Warriors 1

The biggest „one drop of fuel drive” contest is Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM). Its aim is to drive the longest distance with just one liter of petrol or one kWh. The challenge was started in the 1930’s, when the employees of Shell Oil Company of the USA wagered a bet on driving the most kilometers on the least amount of fuel possible. Since 1985 SEM is an international contest for students of universities and high schools. Three events are organized each year: European, Asian and American, with the one in Europe being the final. However, there are also extraneous Shell events organized, such as SEM Challenger, the prelude to the main contest. Nearly 200 teams from Europe participates in each event yearly. The vehicles submitted are segregated into categories, based on their body (urban or prototype designs) and the source of power (petrol, ethanol or hydrogen-based fuels). The teams are free to choose their preferred strategy to minimalize the amount of fuel used. In most cases, the most important determiners are the features of the vehicle, the specifics of the track and the time limit set for the drive.

Iron Warriors 2

We are one of the six teams that represented Poland in Shell Eco-Marathons. Additionally, we are the only ones who got to the finals of SEM 2022, with a prototype, petrol-powered vehicle. We are the current record holders of Poland in the “one drop of fuel drive”, with the most covered distance. We strive to drive for 1000km on one liter of petrol, and then go even further beyond. Even though our current vehicle is not meant to be mass-produced, the research done for the project can noticeably advance and optimize the current transport technology. At the moment, we are focusing on modifying the power unit of the bolide, and in the future, we want to construct our own engine for it. We have our own research facilities, and we are constantly moving forward. We have engine-powered load dynamometer, and we plan to build another station for measuring performance parameters of an engine, using inertial dynamo with exhaust components analyzer.

Iron Warriors 3

As part of your activities in the student group, you can carry out your thesis, and other personal projects. As for now, the works connected to student’s theses, and finalized with the support of our group, are: the engine-powered load dynamometer, the steering module of Eco Arrow 3 and the power module of Eco Arrow 2. We have our own, abundant technical facilities with include not only a myriad of standard, mechanical and electromechanical tools, but also CNC milling machine, a lathe, a bench-top drill, 3D printers (SLA and FDM) and a welding room with MIG and TIG welders.

Iron Warriors 4

Our Achievements:

  • 1st Place in Educ Eco 2016
  • 2nd Place in Shell Eco-marathon La Mans 2016
  • 837 km/l achieved in Pisaralla Pisimmälle 2016 –  Polish record of the distance drove on one liter of petrol
  • 1st Place in Educ Eco 2018,
  • The Award of Hauts de France Region and The Design Award of Educ Eco 2018
  • 1st Place in Shell Eco-Marathon France 2018
  • 3rd Place in Educ Eco 2019

Our Research Papers:

  • Temperature Influence on Fuel Flow Through Injector Efij-1-38
  • Laminar-Turbulent Transition Influence on Aerodynamic Performance of Super-Effective Car
  • Fused Deposition Modeling Technology for The Production Components od The Super-Efficient Shell Ecomarathon Car

Our Social Media:

Contact: or write to us on Facebook


The GUST Project is a student scientific association active since 2015, as a part of SKN Energetyków (Energists Student Group) on Lodz University of Technology, incorporating students of various faculties. Our main goal is construction and improvement of a prototype of household wind turbine, which can maximize the effects of electric energy generation in domestic environment. GUST is a scientific and research project, and our work is international, as we give presentations, enter contests and attend conferences all around the world. By joining us, you can develop your teamwork skills, increase your knowledge of technology and gain experience in the fields of: construction, biocomposites, public relations and administration.


We encourage you to visit our social media sites and give us a follow!


GUST website:




 TU Delft Aerodynamic Tunnel (ISWTC 2022)

Lodz Racing Team

Lodz Racing Team is a student group functioning as a part of SKM Miłośników Motoryzacji. We are connected by our passion for motorization and motosports. Our main goal is to design and built a bolide suitable for Formula Student competitions all around the world. Our work on this project helps us gain experience and specialized technical skills, as well as develop our ability to work as a part of a team. Designing the suspension, driveline, frame, braking system and wiring harness are some of the examples of tasks you can do as a member of Lodz Racing Team.

Follow us on our social media:

Lodz Racing Team Logo
ChAK - Refrigeration Engineering, Food Grade Apparatus and Air Conditioning

ChAK Student Group ( Refrigeration Engineering, Food Grade Apparatus and Air Conditioning Student Group) is an organization operating under the Institute of Turbomachinery. Students that join us find an environment to develop their technical skills and to pursue their interests centered around the technologies of refrigeration, food grade devices and air conditioning. After an interval period, we are again active and focusing on research concerning heat pumps and an innovative device for quick cooling of liquids. Becoming a member of ChAK allows students to get experience working in the industry, collaborate with corporations that join us in various projects and research and to carry our your own research and development projects.

Follow us on social media:


Studenckie Koło Naukowe ChAK (Chłodnictwo, Aparatura Spożywcza i Klimatyzacja)