With a kind invitation from BSH, our students have visited the BSH production plant in Łódź, to observe how the household appliances are being made on site and to learn about the internships offer of the company.
On the day of 14th of May 2024 a delegation of our students from Power Engineering, Mechanics and Construction of Machines classes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have visited a production plant of BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego in Łódź. The company is a leading producer of dryers, a device which utilize the mechanism of a heat pump.
First, Ms. Martyna Bogatek from HR Processes and Projects unit has presented the options, rules and possibilities of an internship at the company.
Then, the group went to the Research and Development Centre where the BSH employees gave a presentation about the structure and mechanics of a clothing dryer, including a detailed explanation on how the heat pump in such a device functions. The group was also invited to see tests that the dryers must pass before they are approved to be sold in shops. Such presentation is a perfect suplement for the theory students learn at their university classes.
Thank you to Ms. Bogatek and others employees of the BSH company, for their invitation and the time they had spared for our delegation, and to dr hab. inż. Artur Gutkowski, the Director of Heat Engineering and Refrigeration Facility at our Institute, who initiated the organization of this educational visit.