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It is with deep regret that we inform, that prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Błaszczyk has passed away

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On the day of 4th January 2025, at the age of 79 years old, passed away prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Błaszczyk.


An university teacher

and an employee of Łódź Institute of Turbomachinery for many years,

the late director of Water Machines and Fluid Mechanics Facility

the late Deputy Director of Didactics and Deputy Director of Science in the Institute of Turbomachinery

and a friend of Łódź University of Technology.


Professor was a specialist in the field of designing and researching pumps, and many times had taken part in the work of Polish Committee for Standardization.


He had received a Silver Cross of Merit, a Silver Honorary Badge of SIMP NOT, a Badge for his work in the Łódź University of Technology, as well as the Awards of the Ministry of Science, of the Ministry of Higher Education and Technology, of the Ministry of Materials and Fuels Economy NOT-U and of the Bureau of Scientific and Technological Development and its Implementation.


The professor was also the co-organizer and a supervisor of the Student's Association of Energists.


The funeral ceremony will be held on 14th of January 2025 in Włocławek.

  • At 13:30 - a funeral mass in Franciscan Monastery, address: Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Łaskawej Niezawodnej Nadziei Klasztor Franciszkanów, plac Wolności 6, 87-810 Włocławek.
  • At 14:30 - an interment ceremony at municipal cemetery in Włocławek, address:  Aleja Fryderyka Chopina 3/5.

There will be no funeral procession between the church and the cemetery (The distance between the church and the cemetery is about 3,5 km).