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It is with deep regret that we inform, that prof. WŁADYSŁAW KRYŁŁOWICZ has passed away

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On the day of 14th December 2023, at the age of 71 years old, passed away prof. dr hab. inż. Władysław Kryłłowicz.


An university teacher

and an employee of Łódź Institute of Turbomachinery for many years,

the late Director of the Turbines and Compressors Facility

and a friend of Łódź University of Technology.


Professor was a talented scientist and teacher,

an authority and an educator for many generations of our researchers and students.

He had received a Bronze Cross of Merit, a KEN Medal, a Golden Honorary Badge of SIMP

and a Golden Medal for Long Service.

He was always cheerful, bright and optimistic.

We mourn a remarkable specialist, a wonderful man and a passionate sailor.


The funeral ceremony will be held on 22nd Dec 2023 at 12:30 in Cmentarz Rzymskokatolicki pw. św. Józefa (St Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery), on Ogrodowa 39 in Łódź.