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Professor Zbigniew Kozanecki received the title of Senior Professor

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On 24th of May 2024, during an official session of the University Senate, prof. Zbigniew Kozanecki, who is a retired employee of our Institute, has received the title of Senior Professor of Łódź University of Technology.


Prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Kozanecki had finished his MA studies on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Łódź University of Technology in 1975 with the title of Master Engineer with a Machine Systems and Energy Devices specialization. He continued his career in our Institute, in which he had achieved his subsequent scientific titles. In the year 1986, future professor had defended his PhD thesis „Etudes des paliers à gaz pour machines à grande vitesse – comparaison générale avec d’autres technologies” on Poitiers University in France. Then, in 1987 he received the title of Doctor of Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Łódź University of Technology, with another PhD thesis: „Badania teoretyczne i eksperymentalne dynamicznego łożyska gazowego.” His work earned him a merit and a Rector's award. Next, professor was employed as an adjunct and the director of the Microturbines and Gas Bearings Team in the Institute. In 1999 professor had completed his postdoctoral proceedings by passing his postdoctoral examination performed by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Łódź University of Technology. He then received the title of PhD doctorate (doctor habilitatus) as: an author or co-author of 24 scientific papers, published both in Poland and internationally, 23 studies and reports (also domestic and international), one patent (with additional two pending approval), leading 2 research projects of the KBN and 2 purpose-oriented, KBN-co-financed projects and joining 4 other KBN projects as the main contractor. In 2013, prof. dr hab. inż. Kozanecki received his official scientific title of a professor, being first employed as an associate professor since 2003, and then promoted to the title of full professor in 2016.

The most important achievements of prof. dr hab. inż. Kozanceki in his research, education and administrative work include:

  • Dissertations, monographs, chapters in monographs: 8;
  • Authorship of articles published in peer-reviewed journals: 45;
  • Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings (domestic and international): 58;
  • Reviews of scientific articles for foreign journals: 42, domestic: 26;
  • Reviews of monographs: 3;
  • Promoting 3 completed doctoral dissertations;
  • Reviews of domestic doctoral theses: 10, foreign: 2 (France);
  • Reviews of PhD doctorate theses: 10;
  • Administrative activities: Membership in the Faculty Committee for foreign student internships; Rector's representative for abroad interships; Rector's attorney in fact on the Board of
    Dresser-Rand, a company associated with PŁ; Membership in the Pilot Committee of the Master Postgraduate Studies organized by Ecole Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in Cluny, France, in cooperation with the Center for International Education of the Technical University of Lodz; Membership in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk since 2014; Membership in the Council of the Institute of
    Fluid-Flow Machinery and the Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering PŁ, and Membership in the Scientific Committees of several periodically organized International and National Conferences.
  • many awards and merits

Congratulations to the professor and we wish him further successes in his scientific career!